your beliefs shape your character, we pursue things we believe will give us pleasure,stability,or peace of mind. and what we choose to pursue others will judge us on. look at how we judge drug addicts, prostitutes, or criminals. it is in ignorance that we take things that are quick fixes that will hurt us or others later. yet in times of desperation or pain we can lose the will to resist the thing...s we know are bad decisions. its difficult, but not impossible to see beyond the hardship. you must visualize where you want to be. then do what it takes to get there. that is where you will get your strength and your faith. you must believe it will get better. you must believe a little bit of disipline to endure discomfort will allow you freedom in you future. because with bad decisions come bad consiquences. wheather its jail, a broken relationship, or loss of money to name just a few examples.there is always two doors to choose from, yet some can only see one. something in there upbringing produced a fog or some type of brain-washing, taboo cultural beliefs or even depression can lead to a weak morale. wheather we are taught this or learned this on our own doesnt matter. i share my thoughts because i'm grateful to those who share w me and saved me alot more troubles in my life. knowledge is free yet has been an extremely valuable toolin my life only parralled by my heart. when i use those two tools together i feel the strongest. if you took the time to read this you too are a knowledge seeker and i encourage you to continue so you can feel what i feel. its a beautiful thing. no matter how bad it gets i can still see the light. let your beliefs in believing mold you into exactly what you want. peace.
all words Licensed and Transcribed to Tim Olimpio 2012
Rereading this is Powerful!