Thursday, August 30, 2012

Music For Melancholy

A new piece Music For Melancholy I Know I am a Woman of many ways, How do I explain myself without such trepidation,? God created me and exposed his revelation I at the Core of myself was born to do one thing, create one thing that makes the heart beat and the Soul sing. MUSIC it came to me at the age of 3 Marvin Gaye,SADÉ,The King Micheal not Presley music and it's been cou
rsing through my veins and it has never subsided until I decided to put one foot in front of the other. In life we regret the things we did do I dont.want to be the one to regret the things I didnt do and it was almost a dream deffered someone tried to deter my hearts calling because they knew I had fallen. I have Music.for Melancholy to cure your ails,to uplift you when you think you failed I know your soul because I have the same one Music to Mel and Call to call forth it is the language of My Alchemy thats who I am just ask anyone around my town. ~Music4Melancholy